Sunday, December 4, 2011

How to Become Certainly Employed in an Uncertain Job Climate

Internet users are curious to know more about sound masking systems and ergonomics.  These two keywords have generated millions of searches among the more popular search engines.  The reason is simple:  sound masking systems and ergonomics CAN help in saving more people their jobs.  As the saga of uncertainty continues in a fragile economy that has affected not just the US, but the rest of the world, competition in the workforce has become a lot fiercer.   The only way one can secure his job is to give his employer a lot of reasons to make him stay.

Even just the thought of it can make anyone sick in the stomach:  waking up one day without a job!  Do you have the same fear?  Retrenchment is indeed scary, but there is something you can do besides worrying that the next time your boss calls you into his office is to hand you your walk-out papers.  If you follow these two tips, it would be unlikely you lose your job at all.  Believe me, these two tips work!

1. Increase productivity at work - no employer, in his right mind, will terminate an employee who is on top of his game, one who brings in money.  However, there are factors that can diminish your productivity, without your least notice, until the problem gets out of hand.  Have you been feeling low on energy lately and can hardly focus on your work?  That’s a signal something is wrong, but you may not be aware of it.

2. Zero-absences.   Who would want to retain an employee who is a “goner”?  Habitual absenteeism may be caused by stress or by repetitive strain injuries a person can suffer from the workplace.

What You can Do 

Counter lethargy and obesity (a real health-risk) with a balanced diet and regular exercise.  Junk foods build up toxins in the body, which causes you to feel sluggish, and ultimately suffer some health setbacks.  

Sound masking for the home eliminates noise while you sleep.  You can enjoy restful sleep that will revitalize your body for yet another challenging day in the office.  You can increase your focus towards your work if you give yourself a chance to recharge with a good night’s sleep.  Sound masking for the home makes sure that your dog’s neighbor or your children’s boisterous laughter as they watch TV will not deny you of a relaxing treat between the covers, each time you feel like it.

Ergonomic keyboards may not sound a productive solution to you, as they can be perceived as additional expense, but you are mistaken.  Ergonomic mouse and mini-keyboard save you from repetitive strain injuries on the hand, alternately referred to as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome has caused more than twenty-five million people to visit their doctors than any other types of occupational ailments in recent years and has cost businesses to lose over twenty billion dollars in annual income.

Become more productive and efficient. This is only way you can secure your job during uncertain times.

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